2 for the show

Happy Inauguration Day, everyone! I am, of course, staying as far away from all of the mayhem as possible--my office is about 2 blocks from the White House, which means I get the day off! And I'm quite thankful; my commute is bad on a good day, so I can't imagine how Metro is handling the horde of people descending on the District today.

But don't assume that I'm being unproductive with my vacation day--oh no. In fact, I have not 1, but 2 FOs to show off for you today.


Pattern: Classic Gloves from the Free Vintage Knitting website
Yarn: Koigu Premium Merino, 2 skeins

I originally picked up the Koigu for some boy socks, not realizing that the yardage per skein is a little on the skimpy side, so 2 skeins isn't quite enough for big boy feet. Perfect amount for these gloves though. The sunlight is a little deceptive, the color is a bit of a darker army-ish green, with just a touch of variation.

Easy pattern (after you get used to reading it--it's laid out in a table format, with separate columns for each size), and no complaints, other than one about gloves in general: so many ends to weave in. HATE! And there's no end in site, as next up in my queue is a pair of gloves for myself!


Pattern: Grumperina's famous Shifting Sands Scarf
Yarn: Manos del Uruguay Silk Blend, 3 skeins Pewter
Mods: courtesy of Brooklyn Tweed

I've already posted some in progress photos and thoughts about this one. Absolutely adore this scarf. Had I had more yarn (and money!), I would've made it longer--it was about 63" after blocking, but stretching it out made it so much thinner, and it was originally so sturdy and thick.

I used Jared's mods for the hems, and it turned out . . . ok, I guess. Tacking down the live stitches was new to me, and I'm sure I would do a better job and make a neater hem with some practice, but this will do for now.

So, two more projects off the needles, and I've finally got the needle I need to finish up the Tangled Yoke. Hopefully finish her up this week, and then on to new projects!
Kristen Jancuk2 Comments