Feeling Warmed Up!

You're cordially invited to share in my excitement about my first package from my Warm Ewe Up spoiler, full of all kinds of goodies:

Look at that cute little matryoshka--and there's a mirror on the other side! A needle I need to finish up a project, and 2 skeins of my favorite yarn--my spoiler did a great job stalking my blog and picking out great things for me! Plus some yummy candy, and a great pattern for mittens. I was just talking about making mittens for a friend the other day, and then, poof!, this pattern appears!

Big, big thanks to my spoiler!!!

In other not so great news, my Mom is in the hospital again. She really hasn't made much progress since her last hospital stay (other than replacing smoking with drinking--I can't even decide which is the greater evil), and yesterday she managed to fall down a flight of stairs at the mall and break her hip. She's in surgery now, either having the hip repaired or replaced, depending on the extent of the damage. I don't want to seem callous, as I am very concerned about my Mom, but we have a somewhat difficult relationship even in the best of times, and have not been getting on well during the last few months--spending time with her is very taxing, but I can't leave my poor Dad to deal with her on his own. So, I'll be trekking to the hospital this afternoon. I'm thinking about just renting out a room there . . .
Kristen Jancuk1 Comment