i've got a bad disease . . .

Ah, back from vacation, refreshed and relaxed, and with a quiet office for a couple of months.

But I brought something unfortunate back with me, it seems.

I must've caught it at the beach, perhaps at Knitting Addiction.

It's a rather serious case of startitis.

I've started at least 4 projects in the last week (2 pair of socks, a shawl, and a sweater), and I can feel even more creeping up on me (a vest, Dad's guitar strap). Craziness. Is there a cure??

But back to Knitting Addiction. I promise--I solemnly swear--that I didn't look up any yarn shops before we left for the beach. My sole goal on this vacation was to be a lazy bum (although, of course, I brought 3 projects with me). But there we were, driving down Croatan Highway to Alligator River (grrrr--now that's another story for another time. Or perhaps just later in this blog post.), and there it was was, on the righthand side of the road. Knitting Addiction. So I had to stop in. Some sort of yarn magnetism actually pulled the car off the road and into the parking lot. I swear.

(You know, every time I try to type "swear," it comes out "sweater." Interesting.)

It's a nice big shop, airy, with lots and lots of yarn, plus a kitty! I'm a sucker for friendly pets in stores, it makes the store itself seem so much friendlier and down-to-earth. I'm not going to ramble too much about the yarn I got, because of course I didn't need any of it, and my yarn willpower is becoming embarrassingly weak. But I did want to highlight this cool, handspun-looking yarn made by Plymouth Yarn Co that I picked up:


I don't have a clue what I'm going to do with it, but I love it anyway. (I'm dying to get some actual handspun, but haven't come to terms with the price yet--I'm sure it's worth it, but $25 for 100yds or whatever makes my wallet cry a little--this stuff was $30 for nearly 500yds.)

Speaking of yarn, I'm bummed to tell you guys that the awesome Flocks of Yarn is closing its virtual doors, but happy to tell you that Deirdre's having a fantastic clearance sale to sell off her remaining stock. I picked up 2 sweaters' worth of yarn earlier this week (some ShibuiKnits Merino Worsted for possibly a Vine Yoke Cardigan, and some O-Wool Legacy DK for . . . some other cardigan, haven't decided which yet).

And Alligator River--here's a tip for you all. Don't let anyone talk you into a canoe wildlife tour when you don't know the details. Important details such as, you're the one that's going to be paddling the canoe, even though you've never canoe'd before in your life. Or that the tour is 3 hours long, through a swampy, buggy river on a 95 degree day. Or that the only wildlife you're going to see is dragonflies.

That's all I have to say about that. ;)
Kristen JancukComment