Time flies when you're absolutely not having fun

Ugh, where does the time go? I had a horrible, painful meeting at work--again!--last week, followed by the mad dash to finish all the work produced by said meeting before the deadline, interrupted by a "suspicious package" that locked down my office building yesterday. While I was inside. Rough couple of weeks.

Fortunately I'm gearing up for a well-deserved vacation. And I have a new knitting project--one that I'm actually going to design. Kinda sorta.

Dad wants a "colorful" guitar strap. This might, could, possibly be the perfect opportunity to try some colorwork. I'm thinking I could knit the strap as a tube, and seam it flat. Some kind of blue/brown palette is dancing in my head, but I don' t really have a clue about the actual stitch pattern.

And then, of course, how to fashion it so it will securely fasten to the guitar?


Speaking of Dad, check out the cute socks I gave him for Father's Day:

These are the Traditional Gansey Socks from Wendy Johnson's Socks from the Toe Up, knit in Knit Picks Essential Kettle Dyed (colorway Oak).

I have to say, I really adore knitting socks from the toe up. I don't know if I can ever go back. Well, that's not true--there are lots of cuff down patterns I like, and I'm way too lazy to convert them to toe-up, so I will go back, but I won't be happy about it.

Happy Fourth of July everyone!
Kristen JancukComment