. . . And I Feel Fine

Welcome, welcome to those who have not been raptured, and are stuck on earth with the rest of us sinners!

And if you know anyone who was raptured, don't forget to loot their stash. Let's be practical--we don't want that yarn to go to waste!

The good news about being damned to earth to struggle through the apocalypse is that you'll have the chance to enter my blogiversary contest! See, always a silver lining.

(Also, it's sunny and 70 degrees here right now--it's not looking too  . . . apocalypty? apocalyptical? apocalyptious?)

This year I'm giving away three prizes to three lucky winners, as a thank you for reading my blog and sticking with me through the last year's knitting triumphs and disasters.

(I'd rather think about which one there were more of.)

Ready? Here we go.

The first is a copy of Norah Gaughan, Vol. 4, "Flower Child."

Twelve beautiful patterns in here, summery tops perfect for knitting this time of year.

Prize #2 is a skein of Dream in Color Smooshy, in the colorway Wisterious:

This may not be the best photo of this lovely pink and purple yarn, but plenty of yarn stores have this in stock, so check online for a good pic.

And prize #3 is two skeins of Knitting Notions Classic Merino Lace, one in Pumpkin Spice, and one in Dark Rose (388yds ea).

I'm giving these away together because, um, I don't know, it seemed like a good idea.

So, how can you win one of these lovely prizes? Leave a comment on this post, and tell me why you read knitting blogs. That's it! You have until Wednesday, June 1st, and I'll announce winners on my blogiversary.

Good luck!