WIPs at Work

Here I am, getting in a little stealth knitting at the office.

(I gotta say, the iPhone takes pretty good photos)

This is a Saroyan shawlette/scarf, knit in Valley Yarns something or other . . . well, I'll be sure to have the exact name of the yarn when I do an FO post.

This is easy, mindless knitting, particularly the middle section, which is all one length. (Or width. However you prefer to refer to it.) The finished scarf is similar to Alana Dakos' Cedar Leaf Shawlette, but the construction is totally different--and I want to say easier, for beginning knitters. In fact, I think this would be a great "first chart" project--the majority is knit in stockinette or garter, you refer to the chart only for the leaves; each leaf is just one repeat per row and 14 rows.

I do a little knitting at my desk occasionally as the lunch hour winds down. I think I'm in the minority, but I really don't like the lunch hour. I'd much rather gulp down a sandwich at my desk and leave the office an hour earlier. (Strangely, my boss doesn't agree) Perhaps it's because I'm in D.C., and there's not really any place to go and eat a relaxing lunch--it's crowded outside, particularly during tourist season, and the traffic noise drowns out all but the loudest yappers. In the winter, you're pretty much stuck inside, unless you want to brave the cold to go buy an overpriced sandwich ($9 for hummus and avocado on white?? I don't care that you baked sunflower seeds into the crust, that's highway robbery. Darn kids! Get off my lawn!!)

Speaking of lunch, last week I was in a meeting around lunchtime when we all started smelling something burning. Sure enough, the fire alarm went off a few minutes later, and we all traipsed outside like good little soldiers so we wouldn't burn to death. Turns out someone put something wrapped in FOIL in the microwave. Didn't we all learn that microwave + metal = horrific disaster when we were about 8 years old? And then for good measure, this person also threw a paper towel in there, which promptly caught fire. And to add insult to injury, Lunchtime Lughead abandoned the scene of the crime, so we have no idea who should be ponying up the cash for a new microwave (Lunchtime Lughead apparently has no conscience, so s/he hasn't snuck in at night to deliver a shiny new microwave either).

I wasn't really going anywhere with that story, you know, just sharing.

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