A place for everything . . .

I love how some people's blogs are so organized, particularly when they have regular features: WIP Wednesday, FO Friday, Temper Tantrum* Tuesday . . . I'd love to do this kind of thing with my blog, but I feel like all the "good" categories are taken, and I hate to be a copy cat. I'd have to come up with something really original: Mundane Mondays? Tangible Tuesdays? Waffling Wednesdays? What kind of feature would you like to see?

Hmm, maybe I should've made that the question to answer for my blogiversary contest. Hind sight is 20/20.

I finished up my Saroyan scarf last night, and pinned it out this morning, so photos of that one soon. Then I'm shipping it off to a lucky recipient in the latest swap I joined that I didn't really have the time or money for.

A commenter on my last post asked about what needles I use, so I think I'll wax poetic for a few minutes about knitting needles.

For the most part, I use KnitPicks, either fixed circulars or interchangeables. What I find particularly practical about the KnitPicks interchangeables is that you can use any of their three kinds of needle tips--nickel plated, acrylic or bamboo--with the cables. So you can buy one set of the interchangeables with the tips you prefer, and then collect additional tips as you go along with no compatibility issues. I primarily use the metal tips, but have also started collecting the bamboo ones, which I find useful for colorwork projects (you know, all TWO that I've completed).

I think the price tag on the KnitPicks needles is fair. They aren't perfect, but on the few occasions where I've had a cable break loose from the join, they've sent me a replacement at no cost, no questions asked, and shipped it quickly too.

That said, I have not tried the Addi Clicks interchangeables, or the new-ish Signature Needle Arts circulars, primarily because I bought my KnitPicks interchangeables about 4 years ago, before those were available. And also because the price tag makes me clutch at my pearls. My guess is there's probably a legitimate reason they're more expensive, and if you don't already have a large needle collection, you might want to invest in them, if you can stomach the price. For me, there's no reason to change at this point (although anyone who wants to send them to me for FREE is welcome to).

Erin over at the Anatomy of Knitting podcast recently did a review of the SNA needles, and it was quite glowing, so check out her latest episode to hear that.

For socks, though, I do use Addi Turbos. I don't think you can beat the tips, the cable is flexible, and they keep the stitches moving. If you knit your socks on 2 circular needles, Addis are the way to go.

(I recently bought a pair of size 2 KnitPicks bamboo fixed circulars to try out on a pair of fair isle socks I plan to do next month, so I'll let you guys know what I think.)

Now, I don't want to write an entire post without a picture, so here's my rotten cat Dory, sleeping on a hat I knit:


I bought her a bed. A lovely bed, with high sides, and a soft squishy pillow in the middle. She just turns her nose up at it. Knitwear is THE place to doze.

Don't forget to pop over to my recent post,  And I Feel Fine, and enter my blogiversary contest. You have until Wednesday.

Hope everyone has a great long weekend!

*Did you know there is a rather tasty red wine called TempraTantrum? Each variety blends tempranillo with another grape, delicious. And I really enjoy puns and wordplay, so that's another fantastic reason to buy it. Speaking of, if you're ever in Ocean City, MD, there's a fantastic TexMex restaurant called Tequila Mockingbird. He he he.
Kristen JancukComment