Failure to Knit

It's surprisingly hard to run a knitting blog when you don't have much time for knitting.

I know there are many new moms out there who pop out babies and don't skip a beat, returning to their regular activities as if nothing happened.

Sadly, it looks like I'm not going to be one of those.

It's not for lack of trying--I really miss knitting!--I just can't seem to find enough hours in the day at this point.

Though the good news is, we decided to break up CP's paternity leave--he gets 4 weeks, and after taking the 1st two right after JJ's birth, he's alternating work and non-work weeks for a month--and he'll be back at home next week, so that should give me a few more hours to do something productive.

(Not that constantly washing baby clothes because the baby keeps PEEING on them isn't productive . . . )

But I don't have much to show for this week, sadly, other than another pair of socks that have sprouted a hole and need darning.

I've made meager progress on JJ's new sweater:


And have been desperately trying to make progress on this design:


I'm really missing that free week I was planning to have between the end of work and JJ's birth. The best laid plans . . .

Kristen Jancuk2 Comments