Readers' Survey Giveaway Winners!

I'm going to try to keep this post free of any pictures of my adorable baby. Let's see how I do!

First and foremost, I have YARN to give away! Thirty-five awesome people responded to the readers' survey--thanks so much to all of you for your ideas and feedback!--and two of them have won grab bags (or, boxes, really; mailing a bag would be difficult) of yarn! And those two lucky crafters are Mary and Leann! I'll be emailing you guys to get your mailing addresses, and then will get your yarn out to you just as soon as I can. (It will hopefully be next week, but next week--eek!--is my first week at home ALONE with baby, so . . . no promises. I might have to spend my days crying in a corner instead.)

Ok, I said this post was going to be baby-free, but I lied. But really, this photo is all about the knitting. This is JJ in his coming home "sweater," which is clearly more of a coming home dress.


Sigh. I guess he'll grow into it one day. Probably in July.

His hat is also too big, but I've ripped it back and redone the crown decreases, so it fits much better now. I hope to release it as a free pattern, just as soon as I can.

But I wouldn't hold your breath or anything.

As you can imagine, figuring out how to keep a new baby alive and healthy has severely cut into my knitting time, though I was so dismayed by the idea that he won't be able to wear this sweater until he's 30 that I did cast on another one for him. It's Phazelia's Mitered Baby Jacket, which I'm working up in some Knit Picks Stroll handpainted in Tree Fort. It's an easy to memorize pattern, so I can add a row here or there while baby naps.

I know I'm supposed to nap when baby naps, but apparently, given the choice between sleep and knitting, I've chosen knitting. Let's see how long it takes that to come back and bite me in the tush . . .