Welcome to the New Site!


What do you think of the new logo? A big thanks to Laura at Ink Whale Design for her work on it, I think it's absolutely perfect.

As you can guess, all things MediaPeruana Designs will now be found here, www.mediaperuana.com. I've imported all of my blog posts from Learner's Per-knit, so you should be able to find whatever you're looking for right here. (I'll be working hard over the next few weeks to fix broken links and make sure everything has imported smoothly--I'm sure there were a few bumps along the way.) And I'll continue to blog about my knitting exploits right here!

All of my self-published designs can now be purchased directly through this site under the SHOP tab, and of course, will still be available over on Ravelry as well. (I'll be updating the product descriptions and details over the next couple of weeks, but the actual patterns are already available.) And you can see the complete collection of MediaPeruana Designs patterns under the DESIGNS tab.

Tutorials and Reviews are the last puzzle pieces to put into place, and I'll be getting those items linked up over the course of this week.

So have a look around, and let me know what you think!


(P.S. If you watch the slideshow on the HOME page, you'll see a sneak peek of my new cardigan design!)


Kristen JancukComment