Update: Miraflores KAL

We're 10 days into the Miraflores KAL--how's everyone doing?

I unfortunately had a snafu with my cowlet--I twisted the stitches on the join, and didn't notice for 5 rounds! Way to go, me. So I had to rip it out and restart. I've finished the edging and am ready to start on the body. I love the yarn, Neighborhood Fiber Co. Rustic Fingering, and while pink isn't generally my color, I'm sure my sister will love this for Christmas!


Don't forget to share your progress photos in the Ravelry group and/or on Instagram with the hashtag #MirafloresKAL! 

Haven't started yet? That's ok! The KAL runs through December 9, so it's not too late to join--you still have an entire month to knit and be eligible for prizes! Need some advice regarding yarn choice, or a little guidance on the stitches for the edging? You can find all my previous posts about this KAL here


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