Knit and Crochet Blog Week: Day 1
It's here--the 6th annual Knit and Crochet Blog Week! This is my first year participating, and I hope you'll enjoy reading my responses to the prompts all week. (Only, I might have to skip 1 day; something VERY EXCITING is happening later this week and I'll need to blog about that instead.)
We're starting things off with something fun and a little silly--"if you were yarn." Yep, for the first day of this blogging challenge we're talking about which YARN we would be!
Boy, that's tough. There's a lot of yarn out there. And there are many different yarns I love. But which yarn is the most like me?
That means I need to think about myself a little bit. I can be tough, but also soft. Sometimes laid back, other times, a bit high maintenance. Flexible on some issues, rigid on others. I'm a real mix.
So I guess this is me:
Photo courtesy of Quince and Co.
Quince and Co. Owl, a 50/50 wool/alpaca blend. It's hard wearing but soft and warm. (And blue because blue is my favorite color.) The 2 fibers pick up the dye differently, so it has a tonal quality, rather than being monochrome. The alpaca adds drape, but the wool ensures that it won't lose shape. It's woolen spun for airiness, but tightly plied for strength. And it has a halo. ;)
So, knit bloggers, join in the blog week fun--if you were a yarn, which one would you be?