Maryland Sheep and Wool 2015

Another Maryland Sheep and Wool has come and gone! Hard to believe.

My plans for a fun family outing were derailed by 2 sick babies, so sadly, I ended up going to the festival alone. I did plenty of shopping, pet plenty of sheep and enjoyed the gorgeous weather, but it was far less fun without my men, and a bit lonely. I certainly hope we'll all be healthy for the festival next year.

But about that shopping . . .

Fiber from Into the Whirled, KnittyandColor, and Hobbledehoy Yarn and Fiber.

Finally snagged a few goodies from Jennie the Potter!

On Sunday I had a delicious lunch of poached eggs over crab cakes (yesssssss!) with my dad and sister in lovely downtown Frederick, then stopped by The Knot House for their special MDSW weekend indie pop-up shop. And bought EVEN MORE!

Magpie Fibers, Northbound Knitting, YOTH Yarns and Lakes Yarn & Fiber.

This is what happens when you yarn diet for a few months and are then exposed to ALL THE YARN in a single weekend. (To make room for all these goodies I've added some beautiful new yarns to my destash page, including some sweater quantities!)

So to sum up: a very yarn-filled weekend that was good for my stash and bad for my wallet.

Until next year!