2015 Cardigan Comeback Update

Once upon a time, I declared 2015 the year of the Cardigan Comeback. After knitting 4 pullovers in 2014, it seemed time to introduce more open front sweaters to my wardrobe. So, how am I doing?

Well, the sweater I've made the most progress on isn't actually for me! Here's mom's Mother's Day cardigan:


Just needs a 2nd sleeve. This is Tanis Lavallee's Lady Sunnyside, the adult version of her popular Sunnyside cardigan for babies. What I absolutely love about this sweater is that, in addition to being a seamless top down cardigan, the collar and button bands are knit at the same time as the body. So once the sleeves are done, you're done

As far as cardigans for myself, here's what my Monte Rosa cardigan looks like:


This sweater is also knit in worsted weight, but has been going much more slowly than the Lady Sunnyside and I'm not sure why. I mean, other than the fact that my mom's sweater was 32" and this is 36". But that's not such a spectacular difference that I should be so far behind on this one. It has lots of garter stitch too, so less purling. It's a mystery. I hope to finish it next month. 

And I did actually start a 2nd cardigan for myself, but progress has been minimal:


This is Ginny's Cardigan from Unofficial Harry Potter Knits. It's not much to look at yet, but the yarn--phenomenal. Anzula Cricket. So soft. So squishy. I'm in love.

So, what are you working on--now that the weather's warming up (at least in the northern hemisphere), are you still knitting sweaters?


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