Bound Off: Lady Sunnyside and Papaya Shawlette

Lady Sunnyside cardigan. Pattern by Tanis Lavallee.

It's one of those special times where I actually finished knitting something. Two somethings, actually--one recently, and the other a few months ago that I forgot to write about. Since they're both Tanis Lavallee's patterns, I'll share them in one post.

Papaya shawlette. Pattern by Tanis Lavallee.

First up, the Papaya Shawlette--knit in a very not-papaya color. I actually have a skein of Papaya, but decided on something a bit more mellow for the shawl. This is one of the club colors from Tanis' Year in Color Club--I think it's from the 2013 club--Thrills, a lovely blend of light purples and pale blues. 

I love shawls that incorporate cables, and I also like my shawls on the simpler side--lace, but not LACE, I guess. This one fits both bills.

Papaya Shawlette. Pattern by Tanis Lavallee.

I used up every last bit of this skein--I think I had about 3 yards left after the bindoff. Phew! I briefly considered giving it away as a gift since I don't wear shawls often, but changed my mind pretty quickly. I wore this Easter morning, which was sunny but windy, and it made a perfect spring layer. 

Lady Sunnyside cardigan. Pattern by Tanis Lavallee.

Now, this one is a gift--an extremely purple Lady Sunnyside

The initial setup for this one is tricky--you start with a provisional cast on, work the back neck in 2 directions, then pick up stitches around the sides and do some short row shaping. Once you get past that point, though, and get the hang of the raglan increases, it's smooth sailing. 

As I commented previously, my favorite part of this sweater is that the body is entirely one piece, including the front bands. So once you finish the sleeves, you're done--no picking up and knitting button bands or a collar. 

Lady Sunnyside cardigan. Pattern by Tanis Lavallee.

It's been a while since I've finished a cozy cardigan, and I'd probably be tempted to keep it for myself if it weren't so small. But mom is a tiny lady, and this one is destined for her--a very late Mother's Day gift. I'm still counting it for 2015: Cardigan Comeback, though!


Don't forget, this Monday is my stop on the Holla Knits Summer 2015 blog tour! I'll be sharing some more details about Annapolis, and giving away a copy of the pattern to one lucky reader!