Sock Week Wrap-up and Contest Reminders


Sock Week has come to a close, thanks for stopping by to enjoy all the sock-y fun. If you need to catch up on the posts, you can find them here

If you've never knit socks before and want to give it a try, I recommend Silver's Sock Class. It's not fancy, but it walks you step by step through knitting your first sock--this is how I learned, all those many years ago.

If you're interested in further sock-related reading and beautiful patterns, I recommend Lara Neel's Sock Architecture, Wendy D. Johnson's two books on toe-up socks--Socks from the Toe Up and Toe-up Socks for Every Body--and any of Hunter Hammersen's Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet books. 


And don't forget, today's the last day to enter the Pisaq yarn and pattern giveaway! Leave a comment on the pattern debut post to be entered to win a copy of the pattern AND a skein of yarn.


And speaking of contests, it's the LAST week of Off the Needles August! Instagram the WIPs and FOs you've been working on this month and tag them #OTNAugust--I'll pick a few to win a MediaPeruana Designs pattern!