Blizzard 2016

It's been 6 years since we had a blizzard (the Snowmaggedon of 2010) and this storm must have been brewing that whole time, because it was a BIG one!

We have over 30" of snow, the most I've ever seen in my 35 years in Maryland. Martin has been digging and digging and digging, and not even half our driveway is clear. 

In between trying to keep the kids busy and watching umpteen news stories about the storm, I've been toiling away on some WIPs. I knit another Nevado up for Ollie, complete with floofy pom-pom:

Nevado hat pattern by Kristen Jancuk

This one is knit in Quince and Co. Owl Tweet, and the pom done in Knit Picks WOTA Tweed. This is only the second time I've put a pom-pom on a hat and I'm mildly obsessed with them now!

And look, socks!

My first sock of Sock Spectacular 2016 is complete, this bright Choco Rainbow colorway from Western Sky Knits really brightening up my time indoors. 

It's been a cozy long weekend, but now I'm over it and ready to get out--at least to the grocery store! Unfortunately I think we'll be stuck here for a couple more days. 

Are you snowed in? What are you knitting?