2016 Update: Watchword and Goals

Can you believe the year is half over? Well-past half over, actually--I'm just a little late in posting my update (as per usual). 

It feels like the summer is rapidly slipping away from me--but I don't much mind because, frankly, this summer (nay, this year!) isn't going well. Almost the entire month of June was a wash with my mom's passing, late June brought more bad news in the form of my husband's tenant skipping out on 2 months rent and trashing his condo, and July has been a blur of house guests, hot weather and doctors' appointments for myself and the kids. 

I've gotten off track with some goals, but I'm working on (slowly) getting things back on the rails. 

Watchword: Discipline

Discipline, both personal and professional, has kind of gone out the window. I've lost focus a bit with so much going on, but I'm currently sitting in my studio, getting in a few solid hours of work in with the hopes of re-centering myself. 


1. Publish 12+ new patterns: I'm up to 11 patterns already! A big chunk of that was Charm City Knits, as well as 2 new patterns in Knittin' Little's Spring collection. I've been going a little easier for the summer, with just 1 new pattern published in I Like Knitting's August issue, but I have at least 5 more patterns coming out before the end of the year! 

2. Knit a Mesmeric Cardigan: I have made no progress here, which is such a bummer. Just too much going on to focus on a complicated colorwork project. 

3. Blog 3+ times a week: Still struggling here, but doing my best to share new patterns, book reviews, knitting events and other fun stuff with you all!

4. Finish knitting 16 socks: I've knit 8 socks! So I'm, sort of, on track! I've got a pair Zigzagular socks on the needles right now for the PalKal, and am getting ready to cast on a new pair of husband socks--sport weight yarn this time!

5. Start teaching: My goal is still to start offering classes in Fall 2016, but I have a lot of leg work to do to make that possible. What kind of classes do you like to take--techniques? Project-based? Something else?

So, with more than half the year gone, I'm making uneven progress. How are you doing on your goals or resolutions?