Recap: Maryland Sheep and Wool 2017
Another Maryland Sheep and Wool has come and gone! It passed in a whirlwind of sheep, yarn and food--all signs of a great event.
Abeja on display at The Knot House!
Friday night I drove up to Frederick for The Knot House's annual Indie Pop-up Shop--so many great indie dyed yarns, all in one place! I snagged yarns from Magpie Fibers (of course), Skeinny Dipping, Duck Duck Wool, and White Birch Fiber Arts, plus I got to say hi to Michelle (who told me she'd grab some yarn to knit her own Abeja--yay!), Boston Jen and Mary from the Kino Knits podcast!
Saturday I headed to the Howard County Fairgrounds for Day 1 of the festival--it was cold, gray and rainy, so I packed my umbrella and a 2nd sweater (which I did eventually put on). I pet so many sheep!
I also grabbed MORE yarn from Backyard Fiberworks, Boho Chic Fiber Co., and Dragonfly Fibers, plus some pottery from Jenny the Potter and Greenbridge Pottery, and a tshirt and project bag from Madder Root.
Sunday was family day at the festival for us--it was still gray and cold but less rainy. We visited all the sheep, and got a treat at Artichokes French! I guess all the Rhinebeck fans convinced them to make an appearance at MDSW.
We missed the sheepdog show, but we did get JJ his own border collie puppy--his name is Snoopy.
And that's it for this year! What a fun, fiber-y weekend, really made me want to CAST ON ALL THE THINGS! I may have gone a little overboard, so I'm officially cold-sheeping until Rhinebeck. (If you want to help me make room in my stash for these newbies, you can find my destash yarns here.)