Summer KAL Round-up 2017

Summer is the season for relaxing, the season when some of us, perhaps, have a little more downtime in our busy schedules. So it's no surprise that it's a popular time for knit-a-longs! There are a whole bunch of fun KALs going on this summer, with lots of chances to win yarn-y prizes--here's a quick round-up. 

Graduate Your Stash, May 15 - June 30

Just in time for graduation season is Kino Knits' Graduate Your Stash KAL-- dig out the oldest yarn in your stash and USE IT! And yes, WIPs count. The fun kicks off today, May 15, and runs through June 30. Find all the details in the Kino Knits Ravelry group. (You might recognize one of the prizes being offered!)

Stash Dash, May 26 - August 20

Everyone's favorite stash- and WIP-busting KAL from The Knit Girllls is back! Set your personal meterage goal and knit all summer long--can you knit 1k, 3k, 5k . . . challenge yourself! You can find the rules for this year's Stash Dash here (check it out because there are a few changes). 

Splash Pad Party, June 1 - July 31

It's hard to beat the Down Cellar Studios' annual Pigskin Party KAL, but BostonJen's Splash Pad Party is great summertime fun! It focuses on smaller projects using 50-200g of yarn. Check out all the rules here. MediaPeruana Designs is a Snack Shack sponsor for the KAL, which means you get a bonus entry when you use an MPD pattern, and one of the prizes you're eligible for is an Abeja shawl kit! 

PalKal, June 1 - September 1

Support podcasters with Actually Knitting's KAL that's all about showing our favorite fiber-y podcasters some love. Use patterns, yarn, or other products from your favorite podcasters to participate. MPD is an intermission prize sponsor for this KAL, so make sure you stop by the chatter thread for a chance to win.

Off the Needles August, August 1 - 30

This one's still pretty far off, but the way summers fly by, it'll be here before you know it! Every year I host a very informal KAL during the month of August to encourage you to clear off your needles and get ready for FALL KNITTING! This KAL runs on Instagram--share pictures of your August FOs (or the WIPs you're trying to finish) and tag them #OTNAugust17. Any pattern, any yarn, doesn't matter. More details when the time comes, but this one's pretty loose-y goose-y.