July Wrap-up!

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Wow, the summer is just flying by! How is it August already? And my beach vacation has already come and gone? Soon I'll be thinking of nothing but fall fun and SWEATERS!

Here's a quick review of what went down in July here at MediaPeruana Designs.

  • I released 2 new patterns as part of the Juntos: Knits for Togetherness collection--Ex Nine socks and Greenbrier shawl/cowl. The pre-order price for the collection is now set at $15.99, and will stay there until the next set of patterns is released in mid-October.
  • I announced the start of Off the Needles August, my annual Instagram challenge / knit-a-long. Throughout the month we'll be working on clearing off our needles so we're ready to start new fall projects by the end of August. To participate just share photos of your WIPs on Instagram with the tag #OTNAugust18--easy peasy.
  • We raised $50 for RAICES Texas--thanks to everyone who purchased a pattern to support this cause!
  • The newsletter promo pattern for the 3rd quarter is Chucheria--you'll get the pattern for free when you sign up for the MPD newsletter.

August will be a chill month, design-wise, so I'm hoping to get more blogging done, as well as a few new tutorials filmed. Plus, a previously exclusive design will be re-released. Stay tuned!