Urban Creative Exploration: vote now!

Earlier this year I got a really exciting email from Sarah Schira of Imagined Landscapes. I'm sure you remember last year she and Dani from One Twisted Tree worked together on the Prairie Autumn Collaboration Exploration--the public voted on the inspiration photo and from that, Dani dyed a crazy beautiful yarn and Sarah designed the gorgeous fringe-y Prairie Hills shawl.

Well, she asked me if I'd be interested in collaborating on something similar this year--the Urban Creative Exploration! She also brought on board Indigo Dragonfly dyer extraordinaire Kim McBrien. This is gonna be good!

As you might have guessed from the name, this year's inspiration is the urban landscape--and we need your help! We've narrowed our inspiration down to the 4 photos seen above, but you all will pick the final winner. Please click here to VOTE! Voting is open through June 28 and the winning photo--which will inspire Kim's yarn and Sarah's and my designs--will be announced on July 2. The yarn and patterns will make their debut at RHINEBECK in October!