Holla Knits Mini Collection Competition

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Did you enjoy the Fiber Factor competition? Then you need to see what Allyson over at Holla Knits has cooked up for knitters this month--yes, it's a knitting design competition! Eight designers are vying to have a 3-piece mini collection produced by Holla Knits and released in 2016. 

Each of the entrants has provided sketches and swatches, and YOU pick the 2 finalists whose collections will be published by Holla Knits next year. 

And as you may have guessed, I'm one of them! 

Of course, I can't tell you which one. So you'll just have to take a look at all the collections and vote for your favorites. 

Round 1 voting begins today, August 3,  and runs through Thursday, August 14th. The top 4 vote getters will move on to Round 2.

You can vote for as many collections as you like, once per day, so start clicking! And tell your friends!