Off the Needles August--an Instagram contest!

For the second (or third? maybe?) year in a row, I've declared it Off the Needles August. This is a great time  to clear off your needles so you're ready to cast on new projects for the fall--remember, according to the Kristen Calendar, fall starts September 1 (well, Labor Day is late this year, so I'll give it until then before I send summer packing).

This year, I'm spicing up Off the Needles August by making it an Instagram contest! To play along, tag the WIPs you're working on (and hopefully finishing) #OTNAugust and when the month is over, I'll pick a few Instagrammers to win some FREE MediaPeruana Designs patterns. 

(You don't even need to follow me on Instagram, but I think you should! @mediaperuana )

The first WIP I've picked up to try to make some progress on is my Monte Rose cardigan:

I've made it to the bottom ribbing, and then still need 2 sleeves, not to mention a collar and button bands. Easy peasy?

I also have an assortment of socks to finish, plenty of design samples to work on and two languishing baby blankets. And those are just the WIPs I can actually remember.

So that's it: Instagram your WIPs, tag 'em #OTNAugust, win. 

Easy peasy.