2016: Watchword and Goals

This year I've retired the idea of resolutions in favor of two new concepts.

First, a watchword. A point of reference. An overarching theme for 2016. 


"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment."

This is key for me both personally and professionally.

It is exceptionally easy to get sidetracked when your primary "job" is staying at home with your kids--especially littles who aren't school-aged yet. There are no schedules, no 9-to-5, no one to answer to when things don't get done. In some ways, this is very liberating. But it also makes it very easy to let things slide and to get off track. To get wrapped up in The Kids and fail to make time for other important things--exercise, hobbies, personal projects, freelance work, mental health. 

Of course, I am not and would never blame my lack of discipline entirely on motherhood; even more important is not becoming overwhelmed or discouraged by challenges, setbacks or outright failures. Everyone faces them, and no one reaches any goal without learning to handle them and move forward. 

So, with discipline my focus for the year, I present the following (fiber arts-related!) goals:

1. Publish 12+ new patterns. 

2. Knit a Mesmeric Cardigan.

3. Blog 3+ times a week.

4. Finish knitting 16 socks. 

5. Start teaching.

I like "goals" better than "resolutions." Resolutions seem to be very strict--either you keep them or you break them. Goals, on the other hand, are more forgiving--ideally, you achieve them, but even if you don't, you can still measure progress toward them.

And progress should be celebrated!

2016 is just getting started--what are your goals for the year? Share in the comments!

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