Summer Knit-along Round Up

Summer can be a tough time for knitting--in most of the US, it just feels too hot and humid to have a lap full of wool. And yet, if you're not a busy knitting bee during the summer, you won't have any warm wooly knits for the fall! Quite a conundrum.

If you need some help getting motivated for summer knitting, check out these awesome KALs going on during the summer months--maybe some support, friendly competition and a chance for PRIZES will get your needles moving! 

The Knit Girllls Stash Dash

If you watch the Knit Girllls videocast (or listen to the Knitmore Girls' podcast) you're surely familiar with Stash Dash. Join in this fun race to use up your stash and/or finish WIPs! Keep track of meters knit (yes, meters), and aim for one of the finish lines: 3K, 5K, 7k, 10k or 15K. The fun begins May 27 and runs through August 21. Double dipping (ie, submitting the same projects for other KALs) encouraged!

Down Cellar Studio's Splash Pad Party KAL

BostonJen is well known for her Pigskin Party Knit-along, so you know her new summer-themed KAL, the Splash Pad Party KAL,  is sure to be fantastic. This one focuses on smaller summer-sized projects, 50-200g. Earn prize entries by finishing projects, and bonus entries for using sponsor products. This KAL runs June 1 - July 31.

Actually Knitting's PAL KAL

Michelle's Podcast-along Knit-along is all about supporting her fellow podcasters! It runs June 15 - September 15 and you have a chance to win prizes when you submit finished projects using podcasters' patterns or yarn! She's got bunches of sponsors (including yours truly!) offering some great prizes and coupons for the KAL, and, yes, double dipping is encouraged!

Untangling Knots and Lladybird Outfit-along

If you knit and sew, you'll love this one! Knit an awesome top and sew an adorable skirt for one amazing outfit--the Outfit-along! This one runs June 1 - July 31, and while there are official knitting and sewing patterns for this -along (the top is Andi Satterlund's Zinone, which I want immediately), you're encouraged to make the outfit YOU want.
(Also, check out this blog post Andi wrote recently about planning a sweater you'll love, which is probably relevant to your interests.)

PicnicKnits Summer Shawl-along

Corrina Ferguson has a great KAL for all the shawl lovers out there--a shawl knit-along kicking off June 1! And best of all, you can get some of her amazing shawl patterns 55% off for the event! She has so many shawl designs to choose from, and they run the gamut from basic garter with lace trim to complex all-over lace, so everyone can find something that fits with his/her skillset. Find them here.

Suburban Stitcher's Around Your Neck KAL

Scarves, shawls, cowls--anything that goes around your neck has a home in this KAL, run by Dianne of the Suburban Stitcher podcast. Plus, WIPs count and double-dipping is a-ok. Runs June 1 - August 31. Find all the details here.

MediaPeruana Designs Summer in the City KAL

And of course, we have the Charm City Knits Summer in the City KAL, kicking off May 27 and running through Labor Day weekend! To participate, knit any (or, hey, all!) of the patterns from Charm City Knits and post your FO(s) in this thread by Monday, September 5 at midnight EST. Everyone who finishes at least 1 project during the KAL will receive a brand new (top secret) MediaPeruana Designs pattern, and be entered to win the grand prize, a Charm City Knits prize pack!

Know of any other KALs happening this summer? Share in the comments!

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