Charm City Kids: Boh'lieve

Today's Charm City Kids spotlight pattern is the Boh'lieve pullover, downsized version of Thirty-fourth Street. If you follow me on Instagram, you may have already read about my harrowing experience with this sweater. 

I began knitting it weeks before the scheduled photos, but didn't realize I had used the WRONG YARN until a few days before. How I managed this particularly awful mistake is something of a mystery--I had 2 yarns of nearly the same color and with the distractions of the holidays, deadlines, JJ starting school, etc., I managed to mix them up.


So with just a few days to go, I started the sweater with the RIGHT yarn and knit the entire thing in about 48 hours--the kids watched enough tv for a lifetime and had pb&j for just about every meal. It is not a feat I would like to repeat. 

But I have to tell you, the RIGHT yarn made such a difference with this sweater. The mistake yarn was a little too fuzzy, not nearly enough drape or softness for this sweater. Leann's yarn--that is, Forbidden Woolery Gluttony--is soft, with great stitch definition and just a bit of stretch. The sweater looks and fits so much better in this yarn, thank goodness I noticed the mistake!

This sweater hasn't changed much from the original adult version--I took out the waist and sleeve shaping, which generally aren't necessary for kids' sweaters and shrunk the cable pattern a bit and that's it. The pair of sweaters would make an absolutely adorable mommy-and-me set!

Boh'lieve is sized from 12m - 10 years. You can grab the pattern on Ravelry for $6.50, or check out the whole Charm City Kids collection here.

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