2016 Watchword and Goals: Update

At the beginning of January I wrote about creating a watchword to guide 2016: discipline. I also set some goals for the year. 

Incredibly, the first quarter of the year is over (!), so it seems like a good time to check in. 


I have been, I have to say, doing an excellent job with discipline.

Well, maybe not "excellent," but definitely "much improved." Things are getting done.

One key to this has been actually planning out the work that needs to be done, rather than just jumping from project to project, doing a bit here and a bit there on a whim. At the beginning of the week, I write out the things I "must" accomplish, "should" accomplish and "might" accomplish if I have time. Then I work those tasks into my daily planning. It's not a perfect system, and I rarely check everything off my to do list, but it's definitely an improvement.

I've also been doing weekly meal planning and workout planning, with the result that I am back to my pre-baby weight, and we've been eating healthier meals--well, the kids are still pretty much refusing to eat anything other than peanut butter and jelly and blueberries, but CP and I are eating more veggies, fewer carbs (I don't think he even noticed that part), and less pizza. I'm never going to be a paragon of nutrition and personal fitness--because COOKIES! WINE! CARDIO SUCKS!--but I'll settle for eating well most of the time and being more active. 


1. Publish 12+ new patterns: I have already published 4 patterns, but more importantly, with the publication of Charm City Knits on track, I'm set to publish 11 patterns by mid-May! I also have 2 patterns set to be published by 3rd parties in August and September, and 5 patterns for self-publication currently in the works. So I feel confident saying I will accomplish and exceed this goal!

2. Knit a Mesmeric Cardigan: I have the yarn and have gone through the pattern highlighting all the numbers and instructions for my size. This sweater is my "carrot" to get me through the publication of Charm City Knits--then I can make some time for selfish knitting.

3. Blog 3+ times a week: Ok, not doing so well here. But I've got a new 3-part series going "behind the scenes" of pattern design coming up! This is an area where I need to do more planning--if there's something you'd like to read here on the blog, let me know!

4. Finish knitting 16 socks: I'll tell you more in my upcoming Sock Spectacular quarterly update, but so far I've only finished 1 measly sock. Womp womp. I have been making progress, though! 

5. Start teaching: Even though I am not teaching yet, I have been preparing. I've been watching Gwen Bortner's fabulous How to Teach It Craftsy class (affiliate link) and learning a lot. I'll do a thorough review once I've finished, but if you're interested in teaching any kind of crafty classes, you should definitely check it out. My goal is to start offering classes at LYSs by the fall. 

With 3 months of the year already gone, I feel like I'm making steady progress. How are you doing on your goals or resolutions?

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