Bound Off: Winter Cocoa

Winter Cocoa by Andrea Sanchez in Knit Picks Swish DK

I usually imagine that I'm going to knit both kids a new sweater to wear for Christmas card photos and Christmas Eve mass every year. The reality is somewhat different, in that usually only 1 kid has a new sweater, and it's not necessarily done in time for the photos.

This year was no different. Ollie's "new" sweater is still just about an inch of knitting on a knitting needle (I did finished his O-Sharay pullover earlier in the fall, but shortly thereafter threw it in the wash by mistake and felted it), but I did finish a new sweater for JJ--not in time for photos but theoretically in time for Christmas. 

Winter Cocoa by Andrea Sanchez in Knit Picks Swish DK

I bound off his sweater about 2 days before Christmas, washed it and laid it out to dry. But alas, come Christmas Eve, it didn't fit over his head!

In my hurry to finish, I had skipped the folded collar in the pattern in favor of a simple ribbed collar, and my bindoff was too tight. Christmas morning found me ripping out the bind off and redoing it with a stretchier technique--and this time, it fit! So instead, he wore it Christmas Day. 

Winter Cocoa by Andrea Sanchez in Knit Picks Swish DK

The pattern is Winter Cocoa by Andrea Sanchez, which I knit in Knit Picks Swish DK. I knit the size 6 so hopefully it will fit for 2 seasons. The stitch patterns were easy to memorize, the only real struggle being working short rows in seed stitch. I know for sure I messed it up in a few spots, but the yarn is so dark you can't really tell--hurrah!

Winter Cocoa by Andrea Sanchez in Knit Picks Swish DK

That stretchy neckline really looks a bit sloppy, though, so I think I'm going to rip it out and just do the folded collar as instructed. 


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