Bound Off: O-Sharay

I've been trying to embrace fall, despite terribly uncooperative weather--we've had just a few days with highs in the upper 70s, but for the most part, the weather has been stubbornly stuck in the 80s, and even 90s. Ugh. If you can suggest a place that still has autumn, we might seriously consider moving there.

I did finish the first of 4 planned sweaters for the kids, in case the weather ever does turn--here's O-Sharay, modeled by Ollie, who is baffled by sleeves:

I guess after a summer of wandering about in little more than a diaper, transitioning to cold weather gear might be tough.

This pattern is part of the Knittin Little Winter 2015 collection, which is full of adorable kids stuff--including Catoctin--that I hope to knit (I already have yarn for a Growing Up Twisted).

I followed the instructions for the size 4, but knit at a tighter gauge, simply because I didn't care for the fabric at the looser gauge. So the sweater came out closer to a size 2. I used Knit Picks City Tweed DK, in the Habanero colorway--I wasn't sure about mixing the tweed with a textured stitch at first, but they play nicely together.

I had to reknit the first 2 or so inches of the yoke after misreading the short row instructions, but once I got that part back on track, it was smooth sailing. The stitch pattern is easy to memorize, and there's no seaming at all, just closing up any holes under the arms. 

The City Tweed DK seems to be on the lighter side of DK, it felt a little thin, but fluffed up nicely after washing. And I love this orangey-brown, so perfectly autumnal. 

I realize it's not super practical to knit a sweater specifically for Ollie, since he'll only be able to wear it for one season--if that--but I hate for him to only get hand-me-downs. Hopefully I can stash this one away for family or friends once Ollie's done with it!

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