Sock Spectacular 2016 Contest

When I mentioned earlier this month that I was planning to make 2016 the Year of the Sock, the response was quite enthusiastic--it seems like a lot of people have half-finished pairs of socks they want to finally get off the needles next year. 

So obviously I decided we needed to make our sock quest even MORE fun. 


By making it a year-long contest!

Throughout 2016, post pictures of your in-progress and finished socks on Instagram with the tag #sockspectacular2016 for a chance to win prizes. 

What kind of prizes?

Well, remember those 24+ skeins of sock yarn I mentioned I had?

Every month I'm going to give a skein away to one lucky winner, along with a MediaPeruana Designs sock pattern of his/her choice. 

Now, rules. 

Err, there aren't many. 

Basically, just knit socks. I don't care whether you cast them on last night, last month, or last year. If they're for adults or little people. Matching socks or dobby socks. Top down, toe up, tube socks, heel flap and gusset, afterthought heel, whatever. Our challenge is to finish knitting 16 socks in 2016, so as long as a) it's  a sock and b) you're knitting it, you're good to go.

In addition to the year-long contest, I'm also planning to cook up a few challenges along the way--and here's the first one:

Gather up allllllll the sock WIPs you'd like to finish in 2016 and post a photo on Instagram. Don't forget the hashtag: sockspectacular2016. On January 4, I'll award one lucky sock knitter this beautiful skein of Hawthorne sock yarn from Knit Picks!

So, dig out those WIPs and get started! Tell your friends! Sock Spectacular 2016: it's a thing!

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